
Showing posts from April, 2011

The Jewish-Sikh Mafia to Socially Run the Universe

I was watching "Insights Into Sikhism" on television, and started wondering about the background of the host, the Caucasian Hari Nam Singh Khalsa. Turns out this white Sikh with the long flowing beard is Jewish : Before he joined the faith, he was a nice Jewish kid from Toronto who loved music and hated to have his hair cut. When the sixties happened, he was happy to go long-haired. He says his interest in Sikhism began with learning about the teachings and strengthened when he heard the music played in the temples. “It just blew my mind.” And he was intrigued by the notion of a faith that believes in letting hair grow long. But it was far more than the beautiful tunes and wonderful lion-like manes of hair he saw when older Sikh men took off their turbans. For a restless young man who’d been on a spiritual quest since he was a small child, there was something about the faith that spoke to him on a deeply personal level. “This is the religion I want” he thought. It took years

Chinese Judeophilia & The Secrets of Jewish Success

The yellow peril! It is not racial, it is spiritual. It does not involve inferior values; it involves a radical strangeness, a stranger to the weight of its past, from where there does not filter any familiar voice or inflection, a lunar or Martian past. - Emmanuel Levinas Levinas may have been overly pessimistic. An article in the Forward affirms Chinese Judeophilia : According to Song Lihong, deputy director of the Glazer Institute of Jewish Studies at Nanjing University, a glance at the shelves of Jewish-interest books in Chinese bookstores provides a clue as to why Judaism fascinates. Popular titles include “The Talmudic Wisdom in Conducting Business,” “Talmud: The Greatest Jewish Bible for Making Money” and “Unveiling the Secrets of Jewish Success in World Economy: What’s Behind Jewish Excellence?” While Song acknowledges that the nature of this interest may seem “ominous” to Westerners, he insists that there is nothing sinister about it. Divorced from the Christian context that b

Free the Jewish Man from Halakhic Gender Subservience!

I resent the matrilineal definition of Judaism. Wherever I shoot my sperm, there a Jew should be. Jewish males circumcise our penises in the name of the faith - the least the faith can do is declare our penises arbiters of holiness. What do Jewish women inflict on their vaginas to make them sacred? Also, the matrilineal definition of Judaism interferes with the emergence of the Semitic-Mongoloid super-race, as embodied by the children of tiger mother Amy Chua. By combining their forces, Chinese mothers and Jewish fathers have the potential to save Western civilization. An article in the Forward deals briefly with the interracial trend, as exemplified in the movie The Social Network : In a scene in the film, in which the Mark Zuckerberg character pulls his friend Eduardo Saverin out of an AEΠ (a Jewish fraternity) party to talk to him, Zuckerberg glances over at a group of Asian female Harvard students and asks what they are doing there. Saverin answers with something about how Asian gi