The Potency of the Pan-Semitic Front

1918 – Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, left, and Emir Faisal I of Iraq. See: Faisal-Weizmann Agreement.
We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in race, having suffered similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together.
- Emir Faisal I of Iraq, letter to Felix Frankfurter, President of the Zionist Organisation of America

In a post entitled The Impotence of the Pan-Semitic Front, Jeffrey Goldberg writes:
It turns out that the Jewish lobby wasn't even the main lobby working to bring about an attack on Iran. It was, according to the treasure trove of State Department cables released by Wikileaks, the Arab lobby -- whose lead lobbyist is, by the way, the King of Saudi Arabia (which is a big job, since he's also in charge of the world's oil supply) -- that was at the forefront of an intensive, even ferocious, anti-Iran lobbying effort. For Walt and Mearsheimer to acknowledge that the Arab lobby, and not the Jewish lobby, was the prime mover of this issue would mean that they would have to recall their book, and somehow stuff back into a bottle all of the anti-Semitic invective they unleashed in the book's wake. So don't expect an apology anytime soon.

In sum, what we have here is a situation in which all of the Semites in combination have been proven impotent in their attempt to move American foreign policy. Which suggests that American foreign policy might actually be made by Americans. This is definitely a tough week for the neo-Lindberghians.

As Carl Schmitt writes, "the specific political dimension to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy." Thanks to WikiLeaks, we can now affirm that Arabs and Jews share a common enemy: Iran. Perhaps the time has come for the revival of Uri Avnery's notion of Pan-Semitism:
I am a Hebrew nationalist, and I want to deal with Arab nationalists. I want to tell them: The last fifty years have shown that neither you nor we can achieve our national aspirations as long as we fight each other; Our two great national movements can neutralize each other, or they can be combined in one great regional movement of liberation and progress. This is what the Semitic idea means—an ideal combining the two nationalisms, an ideal with which nationalists on both sides can identify.

Are there any visionary leaders, Arab or Hebrew, Assyrian or Phoenician, willing to take the Wikileaks revelations as an opportunity to make the Pan-Semitic Front a reality?


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