Samson in a Blackshirt

The biggest mistake fascism made was to turn against the Israelite. If fascism had absorbed the Israelite, if fascism had said to the Israelite: Come, let us join forces, then fascism would still be a vital movement, it would be the most important movement in Europe.
- Arnon Grunberg, The Jewish Messiah

An intellectual movement rejecting Jews is like a basketball team rejecting blacks. So why do does the far right spurn the Semite? It's not that Jews, by definition, are adverse to fascism. A Jew was a member of the first Fascist Grand Council, more than 230 Jews marched on Rome with Mussolini and Mussolini's early mistress and collaborator, Margherita Sarfatti, was a Jewess. Revisionist Zionist Abba Achimeir wrote a column entitled "From the Notebook of a Fascist" and hailed Jabotinsky as his Duce. Only when Mussolini allied with Hitler did the far right turn inextricably to anti-Semitism.

Jews are suspicious to their nationalist countrymen due to their real or perceived foreign origins and ties. Why then is "separate but equal" Jewish nationalism also maligned by the far right? The Internet is full of Russian nationalists, German nationalists, Serb nationalists and Greek nationalists who share common causes. One of these common causes is invariably resistance against international Jewry or "Zionists." This even though Jewish history is the history of national resistance against universalism (celebrated yearly as Chanukah), and Zionism is the most successful nationalist movement of the twentieth century.

Nativist Europeans are too infected by the anti-Semitic bug to realize that Israel is not their enemy, but their model. Pagans in particular are too mired in anti-monotheism to realize that Judaism, in its marriage of ritual and peoplehood, is their occidental exemplar. Just as communism is a secular parody of Christianity, fascism is a secular parody of Judaism. Throw away your castor oil and cudgels, my anti-Semitic friends, and study your psalms and testaments. All peoples have their own Moses, and the reign of a prophet outlasts the reich of a dictator.


  1. Can you really carry on this way?

    The jews actively try to attack and suppress all goyim nationalism. The mud-ization of America is a jewish project. You lie and you know it.


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