The Lost Cause of Alawite Zionism

Very interesting article about Syria fron the New York Review of Books. Point of note, the sectarian ancestors of Syria's rulers (including Assad's father) defending Zionism!
In 1936, six Alawi notables sent a memorandum to Leon Blum, head of France’s Popular Front government, expressing their loyalty to France and their concern at negotiations leading to independence in a parliamentary system dominated by the Sunni majority. The memorandum includes the following points:

• We can sense today how the Muslim citizens of Damascus force the Jews who live among them to sign a document pledging that they will not send provisions to their ill-fated brethren in Palestine. The condition of the Jews in Palestine is the strongest and most explicit evidence of the militancy of the Islamic issue vis-à-vis those who do not belong to Islam. These good Jews contributed to the Arabs with civilization and peace, scattered gold, and established prosperity in Palestine without harming anyone or taking anything by force, yet the Muslims declare holy war against them and never hesitated in slaughtering their women and children, despite the presence of England in Palestine and France in Syria. Therefore a dark fate awaits the Jews and other minorities in case the Mandate is abolished and Muslim Syria is united with Muslim Palestine…the ultimate goal of the Muslim Arabs.

Like the Uncle Tom Mideast Christians, the Alawites ultimately abandoned the Zionist model of ethnic autonomy and threw in their lot with Arab homogeneity. After fifty years of dictatorship, they'll be lucky if they get dhimmitude status.


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