Friendly Advice to White Nationalists

White nationalists, you harp on about everything but your own backyard. Race in the narrow sense is useless. Jews know this. Put in the work and you can "join" the Jewish race. Circumcision is your marker. Blood is thick but spirit is thicker. And eventually the two commingle.

People used to join the white race all the time: Irish, Italians and Jews in America. They still do. But whites have also started to join the black race. If you white nationalists really cared about your race's future, you'd work to rejuvenate a culture attractive enough to stop bleeding members. Stormfront shit won't do it unless you're content attracting cro-magnon men and Columbine types. Dress and act like classic white gentlemen and maybe your youth will quit dressing and acting like black hustlers.

From a "racial realist" perspective, the smart way to deal with miscegenation is to accept mulattoes as white if they want to be. The smart way to deal with mass immigration is to accept Hispanics as Spanish Europeans with Aztec blood. The smart way to deal with Jews is to quit obsessing over them and so encourage the very behaviour (in-group solidarity, reflexive liberalism) that your ivory tower brownshirt MacDonald harps on about.

Or just keep on with the tired crypto-fascist party line. That's worked real well.

Bolshevik Zionist Apparatchik 204


  1. I know you're trying to be satirical/polemical, but this advice is rather flawed. You know how much contempt I have for white nationalists, so of course I'm not standing up for them. But this kind of advice is impractical even for one who isn't fond of racial back-patting.

    "If you white nationalists really cared about your race's future, you'd work to rejuvenate a culture attractive enough to stop bleeding members."

    White culture (if there is such a thing as a homogenous culture) needs no "rejuvenation"; it is constantly renewing itself in many ways, and you know this. Whites are still proficient at the greatest arts and producing the most efficient technologies.

    "Dress and act like classic white gentlemen and maybe your youth will quit dressing and acting like black hustlers."

    You're under the illusion that white men have always been "classic gentlemen". Look at the past. We used to kill and take over everyone and everything. Whites are not and will never be a paragon of civilization, on the contrary: we are pale devils, predatory primates who just happen to wear tuxedoes once in a while.

    And you underestimate the power of decadence. If you honestly believe that setting an example as "classic white gentlemen" would stop the negrification of white kids, you really don't realise that decadence is a force in its own right that cannot and will not be stopped. You must realise that most whites actually want to be decadent; they secretly desire their own extinction. Will it happen? Obviously not, but not for lack of trying.

    Advising refinement as a solution for decadence is as futile and misguided as advising Jewish women to stop being spoiled JAPs so that Jewish men will stop marrying out, like your brother.

    And besides, there are plenty of intelligent, classic and refined white men out there, but will they influence the mass of negrified douchebags? Of course not.

    "From a "racial realist" perspective, the smart way to deal with miscegenation is to accept mulattoes as white if they want to be."

    That's just the thing — they don't want to be white. Even if they have just a dab of African blood showing on their skin, they will always identify as black, especially in North America. The one-drop rule is now openly embraced, and people are extremely proud of having black blood. Miscegenation is the new eugenics.

    "The smart way to deal with Jews is to quit obsessing over them and so encourage the very behaviour (in-group solidarity, reflexive liberalism) that your ivory tower brownshirt MacDonald harps on about."

    Not going to happen because whites are and probably will always be the majority. The majority's interests are furthered by their own right, and whether they realise or not, they unconsciously favour each other. There is already in-group solidarity in whites, it's just not as extensive and openly encouraged as in Jews, because it would be considered racist if it were.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by reflexive liberalism, but if you mean that whites must embrace diversity, tolerance, etc, it's already happening. Even McCain admitted that he wanted Obama to be president in the long run.

    Finally, this kind of advice is just unrealistic: you're asking them to bend over and accept the very things they've vowed to refuse. Like I said, whites secretly desire their own extinction, and this is especially true of white nationalists, which is why we see so much ridiculous despair in their forums and news sites. They will go on tearing their hair like old wives and patting themselves on the back until the boot of decadence stomps them out of existence once and for all. And I drink to their demise.


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