Shyne a Light Unto the Nations

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?
- Jeremiah 13:23

Are American Jews responsible for alleviating the plight of poor inner city blacks? David Simon thinks so.
Appearing just after a major speech by Vice President Joe Biden at the opening plenary Nov. 7, Simon, best known for his graphic depictions of crime and poverty in prime-time network shows like “Homicide,” “The Wire” and “Treme,” made a plea for more Jewish philanthropic dollars to go toward poor blacks in major urban areas suffering from what he called “a Holocaust in slow motion” of neglect.

Racism is opposed to the theology (mythology if you will) of Judaism, according to which Shem (Semites), Japeth (Indo-Europeans) and Ham (Africans) are brothers. Yet is Simon's way helpful to the beleaguered sons of Ham?

Philanthropy of the kind Simon is proposing only breeds resentment and an unhealthy cycle of dependency. A better way to help the sons of Ham would be to open the door to converts.

Rapper Shyne had his life turned around by converting (or reverting, he claims some Ethiopian Jewish descent) to orthodox Judaism. Jews should actively let blacks know their theological options are not limited to Islam, Christianity and wacko black supremacy cults. Blacks would bring A) enthusiasm (gospel Judaism?), B) style (just look at that picture of Shyne), C) numbers and D) more active involvement in Judaism among white youth (white youth follow black trends).

Many blacks are already drawn to the Jewish narrative, as demonstrated by the exploitation of Hebraic tropes by Rastafarians, Black Hebrews and the like. Jews too were once confined to the ghetto. We got out not because anyone threw dollars at us, but because we had an ancestral tradition to take pride in and live up to. American blacks were stripped of their ancestral traditions through the degradations of slavery. If some sincerely wish to adopt ours, they should be made welcome.


  1. Terrible idea. Perhaps you've heard of HBD? If not, you should look into it. Large numbers of black converts will not elevate the blacks; it will bring down the Jews.

  2. In what sense? IQ? I imagine blacks drawn to such a bookish religion would be a self-selecting elite.

  3. People are "drawn" to Judaism for a variety of reasons and this is one reason we do not encourage converts AT ALL. In today's global economy, we should not accept any converts. The Jews are not just a religion, we're (supposed to be) a tribe.

    Look at the social problems faced by black populations the world over: AIDS, high levels of crime, fatherless homes, violent xenophobia, low academic performance, a general lack of altruism, hypersexuality etc. With your plan, all these will become Jewish problems as well. Is this what you want?

  4. Judaism may be precisely what is needed to solve the problems of "AIDS, high levels of crime, fatherless homes, violent xenophobia, low academic performance, a general lack of altruism, hypersexuality etc." I agree that mass proselytization of the Christian sort dilutes the brand, but I also think the reverse attitude is short-sighted and ahistorical (since Jews did accept a substantial number of converts before the rise of Christianity made it politically dangerous).


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