A Confederacy of Dunces

Tendance Coatesy reports:
Few deny that ‘Anti-Zionism’ can be a cover for racism. But rarely does it lead to this broad alliance. In France the mixed-race (Cameroon-French) ’humourist’ Dieudonné has launched the Parti Anti-Sionist. Its candidates are standing in the European Election this June (in the Isle-de- France). The List contains, Alain Soral, former Communist, then member of the Front National, and Thierry Meyssan, famous as the author of ”L’effroyable imposture” – a founding document of the 9/11 ‘Truth’ Movement. They are joined by Sidi Yahi Gouasmi of the Fédération Chiite de France. As well as Rabbi Schmiel Borreman of Judaism Against Zionism. . . .

Fans of Islamism, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Holocaust deniers, French nationalism, Conspiracy Theories and France’s mixed-race answer to Bernard Manning, have (if they live in the Isle-de-France) a unique voting opportunity. Truly unique.

By their enemies you shall know them. Nietzsche's words are worth repeating: "The anti-Semites do not forgive the Jews for possessing 'spirit' - and money. Anti-Semites - another name for the underprivileged." The far-left and the far-right are both driven by ressentiment, worshipping the Arab or the Aryan on the cross. What is more pathetic than an entire party devoted to negation?

Zionism is not Judaism, but anti-Zionism is all too often a mask for anti-Semitism. I have no doubt that if the state of Israel were to dissolve tomorrow, the likes of Dieudonné would be yelling at Jews to "go back to Palestine." Why not establish a homeland for anti-Semites to answer the Goebellish Problem once and for all? Ideologues and cranks of every persuasion would be free to create their perfect society without the eternal impediment of Jewish-Zionist-Semitic-Bolshevization. I recommend Somalia.


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